The vales of Bara-lacha-la are not just known for being incredibly scenic and pristine.
~16045 ft
Moderate – strenuous
9 days
~35 km
The vales of Bara-lacha-la are not just known for being incredibly scenic and pristine. They also tell the story of an undying love which flows for eternity. This is the story of the Chandrabhaga River. Legend has it that the two lovers – Chandra, the daughter of the Moon and Bhaga, the son of the Sun God- decided to unite forever. However, this wasn’t an ordinary union, it was a marriage that broke the bounds of time. Chandra and Bhaga met on the Bara-lacha-la and went in opposite directions in order to form a circular convergence in Tandi. The agile Chandra, flowing down from the Chandra-taal deftly made her way through the mountains and reached Tandi after covering a distance of 115 km (71 mi). Bhaga, on the other hand, found it difficult to maneuver through the narrow gorges, but eventually managed to make it to Tandi with great difficulty, where consequently both met and the celestial marriage was performed.
The vales of Bara-lacha-la are not just known for being incredibly scenic and pristine.
They also tell the story of an undying love which flows for eternity.